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The kidnapping alert is a very serious device, national in scope because the safety and even the life of a child is at stake. It is triggered by the public prosecutor.For any additional information please consult the official website:

The "abduction alert" plan has existed in France since 2006

The "abduction alert" plan is a massive and immediate alert system, deployed to help in the search for a presumed abducted child. It is largely inspired by the "Amber Alert" plan, created in Texas in 1996, after the kidnapping and murder of little Amber Hagerman.

Adopted in France in February 2006, it consists in launching, in the event of the abduction of a minor child, a massive alert to mobilize the population in the search for the abducted child and his abductor.

It is only activated if several criteria are met: there must be a proven kidnapping and not a simple disappearance, the victim must be a minor and his physical integrity or his life must be in danger; elements of information must make it possible to locate the child.

It was officially launched for the first time on July 9, 2006, after the disappearance of two sisters, Emeline and Mélissa, 8 and 10 years old, in Maine-et-Loire. This case had turned out to be a pointless alert, the two girls having returned to their home about fifteen hours after their disappearance.

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